5 Easy Landscape Enhancements To Improve Every HOA In Sacramento

Spruce Up The Neighborhood With a Few Simple Steps


For Sacramento, CA homeowners associations (HOAs), choosing what types of landscaping to install each year can get complicated. As with any residential landscaping Sacramento CA residents will do well by having a unified plan that enhances the neighborhood. When choosing the right residential landscaping company Sacramento CA HOAs can find a partner who will help develop and install the right plan that members will love. And when it comes to residential landscape maintenance Sacramento CA HOAs should choose a partner that will preserve and protect the investment.

Here are 5 tips for your Sacramento HOA landscaping plan.

  1. Choose Native Plants

Native plants will take to the Sacramento, CA, climate and growing conditions, helping them remain healthy and strong while taking less maintenance. Flowering perennial flowers are a good choice as they will provide beautiful colors each year without the need for replanting.

Think about shrubs and bushes that will add variegated or colored foliage or are evergreens. In the winter months when fewer things are in bloom, having some splashes of color around will help beat the blues when other plants are not in bloom. If you pick slow-growing varieties, you won’t have to prune or trim them as often either.

  1. Consider Containers

When you want to do more than planting garden beds, consider using containers of different sizes to mix it up. Containers let you differ the heights of your flowers and plants and use different design elements to complement common spaces, buildings, entrances, and offices. They can also reduce the amount of mowing and other maintenance if combined with stone beds or other design elements that contrast with other plantings.

  1. Plant Bulbs

When planting bulbs as part of your residential landscaping Sacramento CA HOAs can add a reliable perennial source of color. Bulbs offer multiple color options and can be planted once while providing annual bursts of blooms from spring through the fall.

Spring-blooming bulbs are usually heartier plants that can withstand a variety of temperatures and will multiply on their own. You’ll save in replanting costs next year when bulbs begin to propagate in nearby spots.

  1. Location Matters

Work with the residential landscaping company Sacramento CA HOAs have worked with regularly to decide where things should be placed. You want to be sure shrubs and bushes, for example, are not located too closely to walkways or driveways. Shrubs that have room to grow also won’t need to be trimmed too often. You also want to be sure that containers and shrubs are not placed in such a way that they make it difficult for lawnmowers to get to nearby grasses.

  1. Consider Irrigation

Plants, flowers, and grasses need water, meaning your landscape plan needs to consider irrigation. With a trusted partner for residential landscape maintenance Sacramento CA HOAs can develop and maintain an irrigation system that conserves natural resources and keeps landscaping nourished.

At Aronson Landscape, we’ve been helping Sacramento, CA, HOAs and other residential and commercial customers develop and maintain beautiful landscaping since 2008. From landscape design to maintenance, our teams are here to help create and grow plans that add beauty and lushness to your property. If you are looking for Residential Landscaping Sacramento CA, turn to the experts at Aronson Landscape.